Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Trip Was a Success!!

After 5 long hard days of working on houses and a 12 hour trip back to North Carolina we have made it back safely and we had an amazing time. We have helped so much this week with two very special families, but the work cannot stop there. There are still so many more homes left to be worked on. The St. Bernard Project will be celebrating their 200th completed home on the 18th of March, but that is barely a dent in the amount of homes that need to be competed. On Friday a group of us drove around the 9th ward and saw where the levees broke and all the homes still around it that are destroyed. Driving around neighborhoods and still seeing houses with crushed roofs and shattered windows makes your heart sink. 
I know that this group will be spreading the message of what still needs to happen in New Orleans and of the people and the struggles they are living. So if you ever have a week to go and volunteer- please do so. Thank you everyone for your support of helping to make this trip possible and allowing us to help two amazingly strong families get back into a home. 

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